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All investing involves risk, including the possible loss of all the money you invest. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Historical returns, estimated returns, and probability projections are provided for informational and illustrative purposes, and may not reflect actual future performance. All performance is net of fees.Investment management and advisory services will be provided by Path Digital Advisors, LLC ("Path"), an SEC-registered investment advisor. Before investing, all investors should read our Form ADV Brochure.Path is not a broker-dealer, exchange, custodian, wallet provider, or counterparty. Investing in cryptocurrency is highly speculative and volatile. Path is only suitable for investors who fully understand the risk of loss and may experience large drawdowns. Investors should never invest more than they can afford to lose. Path allows you to securely manage your assets through custodial services provided by Gemini Corporation, Gemini is a qualified custodian.
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